Han Bao
Software Engineer at Arris

About me

Technically, I am a full-stack developer. In the back-end, I am familiar with Java and its related frameworks like Spring, Hibernate and MyBatis. Meanwhile, I know Python, and I once built and deployed a website using Django. In the front-end, I know React, Angular, D3 and jQuery. In addition, I have done many web-based data visualization. You can find my data visualization works here and in my blog. In database, I know relational databases like MySQL and Oracle. Also, I know MongoDB for NoSQL database. As for big data, I have experiences with Hadoop, Pig and Spark.

In summary, I am passionate with all kinds of technology and anxious to learn everything.


Glance of my Works

Movie Website

A movie website including search engine and recommender (Django as back-end)

Interactive World Map

A interactive world map with population data from 2015 to 2100.

Word Sweeper

A multiplayer Windows game developed in Java.

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